Church Supplies

Clerical Apparel
We offer a variety of clerical apparel from such brands as Slabbinck, Abbey and Beau Veste. Clergy shirts, shirtfronts, cassocks and albs are all available in a variety of colors, styles and materials. We also offer a vast assortment of apparel for altar servers and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist.
We also offer a large selection of chasubles to help provide beauty and dignity to the celebration of the Mass. Purificators, corporals, lavabo towels and palls made of a combination of cotton and linen, or of 100% linen, are also available. Contact us for more information!

Sacred Vessels
We have an extensive selection of chalices, ciboria, tabernacles and other ecclesiastical appointments to suit your church's needs. All are available in different finishes and made of different metals to fit with your existing sanctuary furnishings. We also offer a large selection of liturgical books.
We also offer refurbishing and refinishing of sacred vessels such as those listed above. For pricing and more information, feel free to contact us!

We carry an extensive selection of candles for the altar, baptisms, Advent and Easter. Paschal candles are available in a large variety of designs, including the popular hand sculpted wax relief candles by Eximious. We sell high quality candles by Cathedral Candle and others.
We also carry a large selection of Nativity Brand and Three Kings incense to help add reverence to your Eucharistic celebrations.
We also supply palms for Palm Sunday celebrations, as well as the pure palm ashes for Ash Wednesday.
To order or for more information, contact us!

We sell superior quality hosts by Cavanagh. We offer whole wheat and white hosts in a variety of sizes for the congregation as well as for the celebrant. All hosts are made of pure wheat flour and water without additives. All breads are packaged minutes after baking and are untouched by human hands.
We offer hosts in 2 sizes (1 3/8" and 2 3/4") in white and 4 sizes (1 3/8", 2 3/4", 5 3/4", and 9") in wheat.
To place an order, or to inquire about hosts, contact us!

Since 1917, The Cribari Family has been recognized as a leader in providing sacramental wines to the reverend clergy. Their fine reputation has been earned through the quality of their wines--quality borne of care and meticulous attention to detail.
These wines have enjoyed continuous ecclesiastical approbation by the Bishops of Fresno, California. All are prepared in full accordance with Canon law.
Cribari Quality Reserve Altar Wines have all the proper characteristics for the high purpose for which they are intended. The Cribari Family's four generations of experience enables us to recommend these superior Altar Wines without qualification.
Select from Light Sweet Wines (12% Alcohol by Volume) such as Rosato, White Rosato and Light Muscat. Religious Goods Center also supplies Golden Angelica, a Sweet Wine (18% Alcohol by Volume).
To inquire about wine orders, please contact us!